Sauleh Siddiqui

Commissioner for ANC3CO5 

"Community over commuters!"

About Sauleh

My wife and I have lived in a one-bedroom apartment on the corner of Connecticut and Ordway for almost ten years, with our dog, Swift. I am a professor in American University's Environmental Science department, and used to serve on the board of the Cleveland Park Citizens Association, where I was chair of the transportation committee and inaugural co-chair of the Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Committee. I have volunteered for our community in several ways over the past several years, and am proud to represent you all in our single-member district.

The issues I care about:

Safer Streets

Constituent Advocacy

Neighborhood Revitalization



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Follow me on Twitter: @saulehforanc

Paid for by Sauleh Siddiqui, 3446 Connecticut Ave NW, Apt 208, Washington, DC 20008